Sweet Saturday(ish) no. 2

Disclaimer: During the month of January in the finance world, sometimes your weekends don’t belong to you. Thus, a Saturday post might look more like a Sunday post 😉  It’s been a long week to say the least. Though, amidst a crazy week at work there was a lot that kept me motivated and in a good mood. 

Bachelor Monday Parfaits

The Bachelor crowd rounded up their brackets and headed over to our house to watch more drama unfold. I wanted to provide an easy (and healthy!) snack for the group so I picked up a couple of large containers of Dannon Light & Fit Vanilla Yogurt to do a parfait bar. You can make a “DIY ____ Bar” out of anything. I was excited to use some new colorful serving dishes that my Mother-In-Law gave me for Christmas and fill them with various toppings (Shredded coconut, mini chocolate chips, granola, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, raisins, and honey)  so our friends could create their own desserts. This is a tasty, healthy, and inexpensive snack that’s fun to create and eat.


Makers of Wax Goods Candles

One of my favorite Christmas presents this year was a Whiskey Scented candle from ‘Makers of Wax Goods’. They describe their candles as ‘ aesthetically driven by nature, textures, and life’s leisurely enjoyments’. I personally love candles that are more masculine in scent and these fill your home with a cozy, rustic, feeling.

Our Whiskey Candle boasts ‘notes of sweet ripened fruit and mossy woods’. and I enjoy nothing more than coming home from  a long day of work and lighting it. You can find your own perfect scent here.

100 Day Fitness and Healthy Eating Challenge

Like most people, countless times throughout November and December, I found myself saying “In January I have to get back on track with eating and workout out”. Bryan was no different- and neither were all of our friends. We let ourselves enjoy the holidays but as 2016 began winding down, it was time to put those words to actions. 

Bryan and I decided to use Facebook as a motivator. We created a group, invited all of our friends, and proposed the idea of beginning a 100 Day Challenge to kick off the new year. Because everyone’s goals are different, these 100 days would be filled with mini challenges that everyone could choose to participate in. Weekly/100 Day Fitbit Step Challenges, Miles Run, Weight Loss, Number of healthy recipes made, days bringing a lunch to work and not buying, and pounds lifted at the gym are just some of the ideas that everyone has thrown out. The 100 Days doesn’t even begin until tomorrow and everyone has already started posting selfies from the gym, ideas for recipes, and hilarious ‘Leg Day memes’ throughout this past week! At the end of the 100 days, whoever lives local, will celebrate together in a fun way. I have found myself 100% more motivated to get moving this week because of my friends. This is a great way to hold each other accountable.

Unfortunately, a handful of our friends live in different states, but this group makes everyone feel a little closer. I can’t wait to see how everyone is feeling after these 100 days and I am excited to begin the new year in a healthy way with my favorite people!


I hope everyone has a fabulous week!


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