A La’ Wonderful



Last week, the temperature dropped below 75 degrees and I saw the first yellow leaf on the tree outside my balcony window. Within minutes, I was burning a pumpkin candle and finding a place to put my new favorite Halloween decoration purchased from Kirklands- a metal ghost with a silly smile on his face and a trick-or-treat bag. A completely necessary purchase.

With all of the amazing things this time of year brings, heavier meals and desserts come with it. I am forever trying to make “normal” recipes just a little healthier and the fall and holiday seasons are no different. Luckily our most recent obsession can easily be incorporated in to many recipes, is sweet, and is good for you-Honeycrisp Apples! 

One evening last week, I decided I was going to make some baked apples using the multitude of apples I purchased. There are a ton of baked apple recipes out there and they usually involve a combination of a lot of brown sugar, oats, granola, raisins, etc-all of which I love. Though, all add a lot of Weight Watcher points for Bryan and I. I thought that a few simple ingredients could be added while still making these apples just as tasty. Then, if I wanted to add a couple tablespoons of raisins and/or granola on top of my portion, I could. 

The apples themselves are to die for but perhaps the best part of this dessert was something Bryan and I discovered a few months ago. If you are an ice cream lover and haven’t tried Halo Top Ice Cream you are seriously missing out. They have a handful of flavors to choose from and they all taste like REAL ice cream. Bonus- the whole pint is only 240 calories. My favorite has to be the Birthday Cake flavor but I am excited to try their new S’more Flavor! Check out all the flavors (including the 10 new ones!) here

Pop these apples in the oven and enjoy with 1/2 cup of Vanilla Halo Top. I look forward to making this delicious dessert all season!


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Baked Apples A'La Mode
Serves 5
A dessert perfect for fall evening
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Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
20 min
Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
20 min
  1. 5 Large Honeycrisp Apples (peeled and diced)
  2. 2 tbs Honey
  3. 1/4 Cup Brown Sugar
  4. 2 tbs cinnamon
  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees
  2. Place peeled and diced apples in a large 9/13 baking dish
  3. Sprinkle apples evenly with honey, sugar, and cinnamon
  4. Bake for 20 minutes and serve warm with 1/2 cup of Vanilla Halo Top!
Sweet T and a Honey B https://www.sweettandahoneyb.com/

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